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Unconventional Places to Find Your Next B2B Sales Superstar

hiring sales management May 16, 2023

Are you struggling to find exceptional B2B sales talent for your startup? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll debunk the common misconception that your larger competitors are the go-to source for top-notch salespeople. Instead, we'll explore unconventional yet fruitful places to discover your next sales superstar. Buckle up and get ready to uncover hidden gems in the talent pool.

  1. Your Waiter: Ever encountered a waiter who effortlessly upsells, manages multiple tables with ease, and engages customers naturally? Don't let their skills go unnoticed! Consider bringing them into your interview process, as these individuals possess the behavioral traits crucial for success in sales.

  2. Uber/Lyft Drivers: Your chatty and inquisitive ride-sharing driver might just be your next sales ace. Many drivers have exceptional communication skills and even mention their side hustle in sales. Don't hesitate to explore this pool of talent that often goes unnoticed.

  3. Verizon Wireless Store (and similar retail locations): Surprising as it may seem, wireless retail stores can be a goldmine for sales talent. These businesses emphasize metrics and provide comprehensive training and coaching. Keep an eye out for high-performing individuals who are ready to leave the demanding retail schedule behind and thrive in a new sales environment.

  4. Payroll Companies: If you're searching for salespeople with top-notch training and solid coaching, payroll companies are worth considering. While it's important to avoid hiring those with less than a year of experience, seasoned reps from these companies can bring valuable expertise and impressive sales metrics to your team.

  5. Door Knockers/Cold Callers: Sometimes, a chance encounter can lead to remarkable talent. One successful salesperson walked into a business, seeking the executive in charge, and impressed with their pitch. This unconventional approach resulted in an exceptional hire who achieved 800% of their goal in the first month. Keep an open mind and seize opportunities where others might overlook them.

By expanding your search beyond the conventional channels, you can discover extraordinary sales talent in unexpected places. Remember, if you have a clear understanding of the behavioral traits required for success at your company, you can find top performers anywhere. So keep your eyes open, embrace unique opportunities, and unlock the potential of unconventional talent sources.

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