Meet with me 1 on 1

to avoid tactical & strategic mistakes

in all aspects of growing your sales team

Areas in which I can help:


Executive Coaching (CEO, etc.)

Sales Leadership Coaching (VPs to Managers)

Onboarding/Training Plan Consulting

Performance Mgmt (Demotions, Terms & PIPs)

Career Path Creation

Recruiting Strategies (from Leaders to Reps)

Interview Coaching


Setting Quotas

Sales Process Creation

Hiring Process Creation

Sales Scorecards (what "good" looks like)

Account/Lead Segmentation

Scripting & Demo Guidance

Metrics Evaluation


Sales Operations

Technology Guidance (Hardware & Software)

Sales Dashboard & Reporting Design

Headcount Models

Lead Distribution Models

Comp Plan Evaluation

Forecasting Best Practices

Pick the Coaching Package that works for you

2 Sessions per Month

2 - 30 Minute Advisory Sessions per month for $1000 per month for 6 months

No longer accepting new clients

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6 Sessions per Month

6 - 30 Minute Advisory Sessions per month for $3000 per month for 6 months

No longer accepting new clients

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10 Sessions per Month

10 - 30 Minute Advisory Sessions per month for $5000 per month for 6 months

No longer accepting new clients

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