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The Importance of Recognizing and Supporting Different Types of Sales Roles

leadership management sales Apr 25, 2023

When building a sales team, it's important not to overlook the different types of sales roles that exist beyond just new business Account Executives. Sales teams are made up of various roles, including Account Managers, SDRs/BDRs, Sales Engineers, and Overlay Salespeople, who all contribute to the overall success of the team.

Account Managers, for example, are responsible for managing and growing relationships with existing customers. This requires a different set of skills than those required for new business development, as the focus is on retention and upselling. These roles should not be undervalued, as they often make up a significant portion of a company's revenue.

Similarly, SDRs/BDRs play a crucial role in setting appointments for the sales team. Without these appointments, the sales team would not have anyone to sell to. Sales Engineers, on the other hand, are responsible for understanding the technical aspects of the product or service being sold and ensuring it meets the customer's needs. Overlay Salespeople are responsible for selling a specific product or service to an existing customer, on top of what they are already buying.

It's important for sales leadership to recognize and support these different types of sales roles, and provide coaching and training that is specific to their unique responsibilities. Sales management coaching can help salespeople develop the skills they need to be successful in their specific role, whether it's developing relationships with existing customers or setting appointments for the sales team.

By recognizing and valuing the contributions of all sales roles, sales leadership can create a more cohesive and successful sales team. A team that understands and respects the unique contributions of each member will be better equipped to meet their goals and grow the business.

In conclusion, it's time to expand our understanding of what it means to be a salesperson. Different sales roles require different skills and responsibilities, and each is important in its own way. By recognizing and supporting all sales roles, providing coaching and training specific to each role, sales leadership can build a successful and thriving sales team.

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