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The Bright Side of CROs and VPs of Sales: Embracing the 18-Month Job Lifespan

leadership sales leadership May 16, 2023

Being a Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) or Vice President (VP) of Sales comes with its own set of challenges, including the relatively short average tenure of around 18 months. While this may initially seem discouraging, there are silver linings to this situation that can offer a positive perspective. In this blog post, we'll explore why CROs and VPs of Sales shouldn't fret too much about the job lifespan and instead focus on the potential benefits that come with it.

Embracing Compensation and Financial Opportunities: One of the significant advantages of holding these roles is the high compensation they typically offer. Even if the tenure is relatively short, CROs and VPs of Sales often earn a substantial income during their time in the position. This financial reward can provide a significant boost to one's financial situation, even if the tenure ends up being limited.

Additionally, the equity vested in each company can hold potential long-term value. While not every company may yield significant returns, there is always the possibility that one out of several will prove successful. By viewing these equity opportunities as potential future rewards, CROs and VPs of Sales can maintain an optimistic outlook despite the job's shorter lifespan.

Financial Planning and Security: A crucial aspect to consider is personal financial planning. If you have managed your finances wisely and prepared for the short job lifespan, you can navigate this situation with confidence. Recognize that the nature of the role often entails some level of risk, but with prudent financial management, you can ensure stability and security for yourself and your family. By embracing this reality and taking proactive steps to plan for it, the potential job turnover becomes a manageable aspect of the role.

While it may be disheartening to think about the relatively short average tenure for CROs and VPs of Sales, it's important to maintain a positive perspective. The high compensation, potential equity gains, and the ability to plan and secure financial stability can outweigh the concerns associated with the job's shorter lifespan. Remember, taking calculated risks and being rewarded for them is part of the package that comes with these positions.

So, if you find yourself in the midst of a shorter-than-expected tenure, don't despair. Focus on the benefits you have received, both financially and experientially. If you manage your finances wisely and approach each opportunity with optimism and resilience, you'll be well-positioned for success in your sales leadership career.

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