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Why Top Salespeople Making More Than Their Boss is a Good Thing

inside sales sales sales management Apr 13, 2023

Having top salespeople earn more than their bosses is often seen as a taboo in the corporate world, but in the startup world, it's a sign of a thriving meritocracy. When companies value and reward hard work, it fosters a culture of excellence and performance-based success.

In this type of culture, salespeople are motivated to perform at their best, and the company benefits from their continued sales success. Top sales performers feel valued for their contributions and continue to strive for excellence, driving growth and success for the company.

However, this performance-based culture doesn't always sit well with sales managers who may feel threatened by top performers earning more than them. To this, the author suggests that managers should embrace the culture and work harder to achieve better results rather than resenting their top performers.

The beauty of a performance-based culture is that it rewards the best performers, regardless of their position in the company. It provides an equal opportunity for everyone to succeed based on their merit and contribution. This kind of culture helps startups attract and retain the best sales talent, which is crucial for their growth and success.

In conclusion, top sales performers are the rockstars of the business world, and they deserve to be compensated for their hard work and success. Startups that foster a culture of excellence and performance-based success will undoubtedly benefit from the continued growth and success of their top salespeople. It's time for startups to embrace this culture and create a level playing field for all employees based on their merit and contribution.

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