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The Most Masterful Phrase for Salespeople: "I Don't Want to Waste Your Time or Mine"

sales sales leadership sales management Apr 03, 2023

As a sales leader, it's important to teach your sales team to have respect for themselves and their time. But often, customers can be disrespectful and waste their time. That's why teaching your salespeople the phrase "I don't want to waste your time or mine" can be incredibly effective in dealing with these situations.

When a customer is being difficult or unresponsive, your salesperson can use this phrase to show that they value their time and that of the customer. By saying "If this isn't a good fit for you, then it might make sense for us to part ways as friends. What would you like to do?", they are giving the customer an out if they're not interested.

This not only saves time, but it also helps the salesperson to develop more respect for themselves. They are showing that they won't tolerate disrespectful behavior and are willing to move on from a potential deal if it's not a good fit.

This phrase is especially important for sales teams at startups, where time is often at a premium. Sales leaders need to ensure that their salespeople are using their time effectively and not wasting it on customers who are not a good fit. By using this phrase, salespeople can quickly determine whether a potential customer is worth pursuing or if it's time to move on.

Furthermore, using this phrase can also help to build trust with potential customers. By showing that you value their time, you're demonstrating that you're a trustworthy and respectful company. This can help to build a positive relationship with the customer, even if you don't end up closing a deal with them.

In addition to using this phrase with customers, sales leaders should also encourage their salespeople to use it internally. If a salesperson is being asked to do something that is not a good use of their time or skills, they can use this phrase to respectfully decline. By doing so, they are showing that they value their time and skills and are focused on achieving their goals.

In conclusion, "I don't want to waste your time or mine" is a powerful phrase that all salespeople should be taught. It shows respect for both the salesperson and the customer's time, helps to build trust, and can help salespeople to develop more respect for themselves. As a sales leader, it's important to encourage your team to use this phrase in difficult situations and to prioritize their time effectively.


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