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6 Tips for Managing Up to the CEO

leadership management sales leadership May 10, 2023

Want the secret to winning over your CEO?

Try these 6 effective tips for sales leaders to manage up and shape their company's destiny.

"Managing up" means taking the initiative to proactively manage the relationship with your boss, including the CEO.

Here are 6 tips I've learned to manage up to the CEO but this applies to any boss:

✅ Understand your boss's priorities: Learn what your boss cares about and tailor your communication and actions to align with those priorities.

For example, if your boss values increased profit margins or cash preservation, show how you're focusing on that goal too. Speak to their listening.

✅ Communicate clearly and regularly: Keep your boss in the loop about what you're working on and any challenges you're facing.

For example, don't wait for them to ask you for an update. Give them regular updates in whatever format they prefer. If they have to ask, you're already failing.

✅ Anticipate their needs: Think ahead about what your boss might need or want and proactively offer support or solutions.

For instance, if you know your boss is presenting to the board next week, offer to help prepare and deliver the presentation.

✅ Take responsibility: Own up to mistakes and take responsibility for finding solutions. Don't blame others or make excuses.

For example, if one of your ideas fails (it happens), take responsibility for what went wrong and offer a plan for how to improve it.

✅ Bring solutions, not just problems: When you do bring problems to your boss's attention, offer 3 potential solutions.

For instance, if your team is struggling to close deals with a particular customer segment, propose a new strategy to address their needs. Don't make the CEO decide.

✅ Be proactive and take the initiative: Look for opportunities to take on new challenges or lead projects, even if they're outside of your typical scope.

For example, if you notice a gap in the sales process, suggest improvements and take ownership of implementing them. Fix it, then tell them what you did.

By managing up effectively, sales leaders can build strong relationships with their bosses by earning their respect as trusted peers and contributing to the success of the company.

Has anybody else had success managing up to the CEO?

For more sales leadership guidance, check out my free guides here:

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