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5 Simple Techniques to Detect Sales Candidates' Lies During Interviews

hiring Apr 25, 2023

As a sales leader, hiring the right salespeople can be a challenge. Interviewing candidates may seem like a straightforward process, but it can be challenging to identify the truth. However, using simple lie detection techniques can help you avoid mis-hires.

Here are five simple lie detection techniques that you can apply today:

  1. Watch for nonverbal cues: The body language of a candidate can reveal whether they're lying or not. Look out for fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or covering the mouth.

  2. Listen for verbal cues: If a candidate lacks detail in their story or avoids answering certain questions, it could be a sign they're not telling the truth. Dig deeper by asking second-level questions.

  3. Look for inconsistencies: If a candidate's story changes, or their answers are inconsistent, it could be a red flag that they're lying.

  4. Ask follow-up questions: Candidates may give a generic answer to a question to avoid giving a specific response. Asking follow-up questions can help you gauge the sincerity of their answers.

  5. Observe their choice of words: Liars often use vague language and avoid using first-person pronouns. For instance, instead of saying "I am competitive," they may say, "you have to be competitive."

These techniques aren't perfect, and it takes practice to conduct an interview and pay attention to these cues. However, being aware of these techniques can help you detect lying red flags and avoid making a mis-hire.

It's essential to remember that interviews are not interrogations. Always respect the candidate during the interview process.

In conclusion, applying these five simple techniques can help you detect lies during interviews and hire the right salespeople. With practice, you can improve your ability to detect lying cues and build a sales team with the right people for the job.

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