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The Bold Move That Could Make or Break Your Sales Leadership Career

hiring leadership sales leadership sales management sales management coaching May 02, 2023

As a sales leader, you know how challenging it is to find the right sales rep to join your team. You go through a rigorous hiring process to ensure you hire the best candidate. But what if your top choice rejects your offer? Do you give up or try a bold move?

In this post, we'll discuss a bold move that could make or break your sales leadership career. We'll talk about what it is, when to use it, and when to avoid it.

The bold move we're talking about is rejecting the candidate's rejection. Yes, you read that right. If a candidate rejects your offer, you can try to win them over by going into overdrive selling mode.

But before you try this move, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, don't fall in love with a candidate until the end of the interview process. You want to ensure that the candidate is the right fit for your team and company culture. Only then can you go into full sell mode.

Second, don't overuse this move. It's not a guaranteed success, and it won't work every time. You should only use it as a last resort, in case of an emergency.

So when should you reject the candidate's rejection? It's best to use this move with the right candidate. You need to believe that they're the perfect fit for your team and that rejecting your offer was a mistake.

When you reject their rejection, it gets the candidate thinking about their decision to reject you. They start to question whether they made the right decision or not. You can use this to your advantage and highlight why your company is the best place for them to work.

But be warned, this move doesn't always work. The second time the author tried to use it, they crashed and burned. It's important to remember that not every candidate can be won over, no matter how great of a salesperson you are.

In conclusion, rejecting the candidate's rejection can be a bold move that could make or break your sales leadership career. But it's important to use it wisely and only when it's the right candidate. Don't fall in love with candidates too soon and be prepared for it not to work every time.

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