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HR Sales Leadership: Why Experience Matters More Than Opinions in Startups and Inside Sales

leadership sales leadership women in leadership Dec 19, 2023

In one of his LinkedIn posts, Kevin Gaither, an advisor helping leaders at early stage tech companies avoid mistakes in all aspects of growing their sales team, shared an interesting story about confronting a sales rep with awful body odor.

Kevin was prepping for an in-person meeting with one of their largest customers, and he wanted his sales rep to step up his professionalism. He discussed the issue with the sales rep from the customer's perspective, explaining that it's essential to have a professional presence in front of customers to avoid losing their respect. Kevin recommended that the sales rep use deodorant prior to the in-person sales meeting, and the sales rep was totally cool with it. He got it and did it.

This story highlights the importance of coaching salespeople on how to physically present themselves when meeting customers in person. As a sales leader, it's your responsibility to teach your sales team how to make a positive impression on customers. Sometimes, this may involve discussing sensitive topics like appearance and smell. However, it's crucial to approach these conversations from a constructive, customer-focused perspective.

Effective coaching is a critical component of sales leadership. By investing time and effort in coaching your sales team, you can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Coaching can also help build trust and foster a positive sales culture within your organization.

In addition to coaching, sales leaders must also focus on developing a data-driven sales process, hiring and retaining top talent, and driving revenue growth. By investing in the right tools and resources, sales leaders can optimize their sales organizations for maximum productivity and performance.

Overall, Kevin's story underscores the importance of effective coaching and communication in sales leadership. As a sales leader, it's your responsibility to help your team members reach their full potential and achieve their sales goals. By focusing on coaching, communication, and performance management, you can build a high-performing sales organization that drives business outcomes and delivers a competitive edge.

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