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Unlocking Success: The Power of "I Trust You" in Sales Leadership

leadership sales leader sales leadership women in leadership Dec 09, 2023

After over 25 years of sales leadership ups and downs, one phrase stands out for its simplicity and profound impact. "I trust you" — I've learned that these three words can elevate a struggling salesperson, instill confidence, and build a high-performing team. Let's dive into the significance of this often overlooked yet powerful expression.

The Weight of Three Words: "I Trust You"

  1. Confidence Booster: The phrase "I trust you" isn't just a string of words; it's a confidence booster. For a salesperson navigating challenges, hearing these words from a leader is akin to receiving a vote of confidence. It's a morale lift that propels them to strive for excellence.

    Example: Imagine a struggling team member receiving assurance: "Despite the challenges, I trust you to overcome them. You've got what it takes."

  2. Proactive Trust-Building: Proactively expressing trust yields remarkable results. When leaders openly convey their trust, it creates an environment where salespeople feel valued. This trust becomes a two-way street — a reciprocal relationship where both parties are invested in each other's success.

    Example: "Let's start this project with trust. I believe in your abilities, and I trust you to deliver outstanding results."

  3. Responsibility and Accountability: The phrase places a mantle of responsibility on the salesperson's shoulders. It communicates that trust is not just given; it's earned and should be safeguarded. This sense of responsibility often leads to increased accountability and a desire to maintain the trust placed in them.

    Example: "I trust you to handle this client independently. Your judgment and expertise are key. Let's make it a success."

Practical Implementation: Using "I Trust You" in Coaching Sessions

  • Coaching Session Dynamics: Incorporating this phrase strategically during coaching sessions can be transformative. It creates a positive space for constructive feedback and encourages the salesperson to take ownership of their development.

  • Balancing Trust and Guidance: While trust is empowering, it doesn't mean leaving the salesperson adrift. Pairing trust with guidance ensures a balance between autonomy and support.


Q: How to build trust in the workplace? A: Building trust in the workplace starts with open communication, consistent actions, and showing genuine interest in your team members' well-being.

Q: How to build trust in a relationship? A: Trust in relationships grows through honesty, reliability, and mutual respect. Communicate openly, fulfill commitments, and prioritize understanding.

Q: How to build trust in a team? A: Foster team trust by promoting transparency, encouraging collaboration, recognizing individual strengths, and celebrating shared successes.

"I trust you" — three words that carry the potential to transform a struggling salesperson into a confident, responsible team member. Embrace the simplicity of this phrase, and witness its profound impact on building trust and fostering success.

Free Sales Leadership Resource: The best time to infuse trust is during coaching sessions. Explore effective coaching strategies in my Sales Leadership Playbook here.

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