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Sales Reps Learn The Grass Isn't Always Greener

inside sales leadership sales startups Aug 09, 2022

And this one time...on the sales floor....

A rep learned that the grass isn't always greener. 👇

With the #GreatResignation upon us, it reminded about a time when a top rep quit on me.

Of course, they got a bigger tittle, bigger base salary, LOWER quota, more stock options, bigger OTE....

And I spoke with them for about an hour. I listened. I knew where they were going was a bad place but I didn't talk badly.

They left. And a month later, they came back. #Boomerang

💡 The learning lesson here: when your top reps leave you, show care and appreciation for their decision...

✳️ Don't talk badly about the company to which they're going....

✳️ Tell them that the door is open for them to come back....

✳️ And keep in touch with them! They're top producers for pete's sake! You might even hire them at YOUR next company.

Anybody else have any techniques for dealing with top performing reps leaving?

Drop it in the comments

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