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Scott fell asleep on day 1 of sales training

inside sales leadership sales startups Aug 09, 2022

And this one time... on the sales floor....

Scott fell asleep on day 1 of sales training. đź’¤

When you're a sales leader at a start up, you're responsible for training and onboarding your reps. Who else is going to do it?

As is custom on the first day of training, I would take my new hires out to a really nice lunch to welcome them and get informal face time with them.

Scott ordered the big 'ol steak sandwich (and tried to put it on the Underhill's tab...that's a joke)

And then we went back to the office, I gathered them all into a small, warm, conference room, turned out the lights and started to teach them how to use (click and click and click).

I looked up and there's Scott, head tilted back, mouth open and he's sleeping! I blame myself for that one.

đź’ˇ The learning lesson here: Don't schedule a really intense and boring training session for your new hires right after lunch OR

Have a light lunch catered into the office for your sales training so you're not feeding them a really heavy lunch!

I'm an idiot sometimes.

Anybody else have any training mis-steps like this?

Drop it in the comments.

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