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17 Hard-Earned Lessons on Being a Successful Sales Leader

leadership sales leader sales leadership Nov 23, 2023

Let me take you on a journey through my 9,641 days of striving to be a better sales leader. Yes, I've made my fair share of mistakes, and I'm here to share the 17 things I wish I had known at the beginning of this adventure.

1. EQ > IQ

Emotional intelligence trumps intellectual prowess. Understanding and managing emotions, both yours and your team's, is the key to successful leadership.

2. Why > What

Knowing why you're doing something is more critical than knowing what you're doing. The 'why' gives purpose and direction, steering your team towards a common goal.

3. Listening > Talking

The best leaders are often the best listeners. It's not just about hearing words; it's about understanding the underlying message and showing your team that their voices matter.

4. Planning > Reacting

Proactive planning beats reactive responses. Anticipate challenges, have contingency plans, and stay ahead of the game.

5. Questions > Answers

Asking the right questions sparks critical thinking. It empowers your team to find solutions and encourages a culture of curiosity.

6. Coaching > Criticizing

Instead of pointing out flaws, coach your team to improvement. Criticism creates defensiveness; coaching fosters growth.

7. Objectivity > Favoritism

Be fair and objective. Playing favorites undermines team morale and trust in your leadership.

8. Adaptability > Stubbornness

In fast-changing, high-growth tech companies, flexibility is key. Be open to change, adapt to new circumstances, and lead your team through transitions.

9. Accountability > Blaming

Great leaders take responsibility. Hold yourself and your team accountable for both successes and setbacks.

10. Busting Your Butt > Talent

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. That sounds cheesy but it's true. Roll up your sleeves and show your team what dedication looks like.

11. Transparency > Withholding

Transparent communication builds trust. Share information, insights, and decisions openly with your team.

12. Divergent Opinions > Yes-men

Encourage diverse perspectives. A team of yes-men won't challenge ideas, hindering innovation.

13. Mental Health > Toughing It Out

Prioritize mental health. A burnt-out leader is neither effective nor inspiring.

14. Empowerment > Micromanagement

Trust your team. Empower them to make decisions and showcase their capabilities without micromanaging every detail.

15. Continuous Learning > Complacency

The business landscape evolves. Keep learning and encourage your team to do the same. Complacency is the enemy of progress.

16. Setting Clear Expectations > Ambiguity

Clearly defined expectations prevent misunderstandings and align your team toward shared goals.

17. Constructive Conflict > Avoiding Conflicts

Conflict, when handled constructively, leads to innovation. Encourage healthy debates and diverse opinions. Weak leaders run away from conflict.

As I continue to become a better sales leader, mastering these lessons has been my compass. Now, I invite you to explore these on your own leadership journey.

If you found these lessons valuable, here are 10 more sales leadership learning lessons waiting for you.

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