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Navigating Sales Events: A Sobering Tale of Sales Leadership

leadership sales consulting for startups sales leader sales leadership women in leadership Dec 11, 2023

After leading sales teams for over 25 years and running countless sales events, I've learned that there's a fine line separates camaraderie and team-building from chaos. Reflecting on my journey as a sales leader, this candid account unveils the pitfalls of blurring that line and the pivotal lesson learned.

The Conundrum of Celebration:

In my early days as a sales leader, the allure of being the life of the party at sales events was irresistible. Shots of Fireball, late-night partying—it seemed like the epitome of fostering a vibrant sales culture. Little did I know the perils lurking within the seemingly innocent guise of celebration.

The Nightly Excess:

From an outsider's perspective, the scene may have looked festive, an emblem of a thriving team. Smiles and laughs all around. However, my excessive involvement often led to inappropriate situations or the potential for them. It was a stark realization that being the driving force behind late-night partying came at a cost.

Two-Drink Wisdom:

Through trial, error, and a few too many hangovers, a vital lesson emerged: limiting alcohol consumption to two drinks or less at sales events is a prudent choice. The arbitrary confidence gained through alcohol can quickly transform a leader from charismatic to careless.

The 9 PM Exit Strategy:

Early exits, particularly before 9 PM, became my strategic maneuver. While it might seem counterintuitive to leave the festivities prematurely, it served as a safeguard against the escalation of events into undesirable territory.

Balancing Fun and Leadership:

The fundamental lesson I learned was encapsulated in a concise mantra: have fun, don't be the fun. Distinctly differentiating between fostering a vibrant sales culture and succumbing to a "party sales culture" became paramount.

FAQs - Deciphering Company Culture:

Q: What is company culture?

A: Company culture is the collective ethos and values that define an organization. It encompasses shared beliefs, practices, and the overall work environment, influencing how employees interact and work together.

Q: How to improve company culture?

A: Improving company culture involves fostering open communication, recognizing achievements, promoting work-life balance, and aligning organizational values with tangible practices. Consistent leadership actions set the tone.

Q: How to describe company culture?

A: Describing company culture involves articulating the prevailing values, norms, and behaviors within an organization. It could range from collaborative and innovative to hierarchical and process-oriented.

Q: What does company culture mean?

A: Company culture signifies the shared values, attitudes, and behaviors that shape the work environment. It influences how employees engage with their work, colleagues, and the overall mission of the organization.

My journey through countless sales events has been one of realization and transformation. From the chaos of unchecked partying to the sobriety of responsible leadership, the shift in perspective not only saved face but fortified the essence of a positive company culture.

Free Sales Leadership Resource: For more insights into navigating the complexities of sales leadership, download a free sample of my book, Real Sales Leadership Stories, here.

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