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Mastering Sales Events: The Sobering Truth About Leadership and Company Culture

leadership sales leader sales leadership women in leadership Dec 15, 2023

Early in my sales leadership career, I thought being the life of the party was my unwritten job description. Late nights, shots of Fireball, and questionable decisions seemed like the norm. Until I learned the hard way — being a sales leader isn't about leading the party; it's about leading responsibly.


The Untold Cost of Overindulgence

Partying at sales events was, for me, synonymous with leadership. I felt it built camaraderie, but the truth was murkier. Overindulgence led to inappropriate situations and potential disasters. 🤦

Setting the Record Straight

Key Lesson: There's no upside to more than two drinks or staying past 9 pm at sales events. It's a surefire way to court disaster.

The 2-Drink Rule: A Leader's Silver Bullet

💡 Insider Insight: Leaders limit themselves to two drinks, avoiding chaos and ensuring a clear head. This rule is the secret to a great sales culture.

The Transformative Power of Company Culture

Let's delve into company culture, the backbone of any successful team.

FAQs: Decoding Company Culture

What is Company Culture?

Company culture is the personality of an organization. It defines the environment in which employees work. It encompasses shared values, goals, practices, and the unwritten "way things are done" within the company.

How to Describe Company Culture?

Describing company culture involves identifying its core elements. Is it collaborative or competitive? Is innovation encouraged, or is there a more traditional approach? Pinpointing these aspects provides a comprehensive view.

How to Improve Company Culture?

Improving company culture demands intentional efforts. Foster open communication, recognize achievements, and ensure alignment between stated values and actual practices. Encourage a positive work environment where employees feel valued.

What Does Company Culture Mean?

Company culture is a guiding force. It shapes behavior, influences decision-making, and sets the tone for how employees interact. A strong culture aligns individual and organizational goals, fostering a sense of purpose and unity.

The Core Lesson: Fun vs. Responsibility

The Leadership Perspective

Being the life of the party doesn't equate to leading effectively. Leadership is about setting the right example, especially in environments where your team looks up to you.

The Importance of Sober Leadership

Being the fun is not the goal. A leader's responsibility is to ensure a thriving culture without compromising professionalism.

In Closing: Elevating Your Leadership Game

Effective leadership is a blend of charisma and responsibility. Company culture thrives when leaders prioritize the collective over personal indulgence.

Free Resource: If you liked this sales leadership learning lesson, check out a free sample of my book which is a collection of short stories and learnings from 28 years of building sales teams at tech startups. It covers topics such as hiring, training, coaching, & leading sales teams at startups. Download it here.


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