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Mastering Confidence: 8 Behaviors Every Sales Leader Should Avoid

leadership sales leader sales leadership women in leadership Dec 04, 2023

If you're leading a sales team, especially at a pre-IPO tech company, having confidence is the cornerstone of success. Having navigated my way through the ranks over the last 25+ years, I discovered 8 behaviors that made CEOs doubt my confidence. Let me share these confidence busting behaviors and explore how cultivating self-confidence can transform your leadership journey.

8 Behaviors That Undermine Confidence

  1. Stop Apologizing:

    • Cease the unnecessary apologies. Instead of saying sorry for delayed responses, express gratitude for their patience.
  2. Infrequent Eye Contact:

    • Maintain eye contact when making key points. It’s a subtle yet powerful way to instill confidence.
  3. Fast, Nervous Talking:

    • Slow down. Thoughtful responses, not rapid-fire replies, leave a lasting impression.
  4. Stop Fidgeting:

    • Body language matters. Control nervous habits like leg bouncing or hand-wringing to project confidence.
  5. Not Accepting Compliments:

    • Embrace compliments with a simple "Thank you." It’s not about ego; it's about acknowledging earned success.
  6. Fear of Taking Risks:

    • Evaluate and embrace calculated risks. Hesitation to try new things can erode confidence.
  7. Decisiveness Over Constant Approval:

    • Leaders decide; they don’t perpetually seek approval. Be confident in steering the ship without unanimous agreement.
  8. Not Standing Up for What's Right:

    • Assertiveness, not aggression, is key. Confidence involves respectfully voicing your beliefs.

Gaining CEO Confidence: A Journey

Building confidence isn't an overnight feat. CEOs, like anyone, scrutinize behaviors over time. Recognizing and eliminating these behaviors is the first step towards earning the confidence of the CEO.

FAQs on Building Self-Confidence

Q: How to build self-confidence?

A: Building self-confidence involves self-awareness, setting realistic goals, facing fears, and celebrating small victories.

Q: What is self-confidence?

A: Self-confidence is the belief in one's abilities and judgment, contributing to a positive mindset and resilience.

Q: Why is self-confidence important to success?

A: Self-confidence fuels resilience, risk-taking, and effective decision-making, crucial elements for achieving success.

Q: What is the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem?

A: Self-confidence relates to belief in abilities, while self-esteem is about overall self-worth and value.

Q: Why is self-confidence important to success?

A: Self-confidence enables individuals to take risks, learn from failures, and navigate challenges, key components of achieving success.

Free Resources: If you found this post valuable, explore more insights in my free sales leadership guides.


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