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Mastering the Art of Managing Up: A Sales Leader's Guide to CEO Communication

leadership sales consulting for startups sales leader sales leadership startups Dec 03, 2023

If you're trying to become an elite sales leader, I've learned that bridging the gap between the sales team and the CEO is a crucial skill. Having navigated the terrain of dealing with CEOs early in my career, here's a fundamental lesson: CEOs crave solutions, not just problems. I'm going to share with you what I've learned about the delicate but critical skill of managing up and how it can elevate your standing as a Sales Leader.

Cracking the Code: What CEOs Really Want

CEOs are problem-solvers by nature, overseeing the entire spectrum of company challenges. As a Sales Leader scaling a team, I made the rookie mistake of consistently presenting problems to the CEO without thoughtful solutions.

Learning the Hard Way: A Wake-Up Call from the CEO

If you've ever built or scaled a sales team, you already know that it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Challenges are omnipresent, and I, as a rookie sales leader, would drop every issue onto the CEO's lap, expecting them to be the troubleshooter. Expecting the to solve my problems.

One day, the CEO had enough and confronted me. The lesson was crystal clear: CEOs don't want problems; they want solutions. They are already dealing with a myriad of issues across the entire company.

The Art of Managing Up: A Three-Step Approach

  1. Think Solutions:

    • When faced with challenges, resist the urge to run to the CEO with problems. Instead, brainstorm three possible solutions. This demonstrates a proactive approach to problem-solving.
  2. Recommendations Matter:

    • From the array of solutions, develop a preferred recommendation. CEOs appreciate leaders who not only identify problems but also propose viable paths forward.
  3. Proactive Problem-Solving:

    • Ideally, strive to solve the problem before reaching out to the CEO. Presenting a resolved issue showcases your competence and positions you as an invaluable team member.

FAQs on Managing Up in Sales Leadership

Q: What is managing up?

A: Managing up is the art of effectively communicating and working with higher-ups, such as CEOs or executives, to provide solutions, updates, and recommendations rather than just presenting problems.

Q: What does managing up mean?

A: Managing up means being proactive in your communication with superiors, understanding their priorities, and presenting solutions and recommendations instead of relying on them to solve every problem.

Q: Is managing up a good thing?

A: Yes, managing up is a positive and essential skill. It demonstrates initiative, problem-solving abilities, and a strategic mindset, all of which contribute to your effectiveness as a leader.

Q: What is another way to think of managing up?

A: Another perspective on managing up is to see it as a collaborative process where you align your actions and communication with the goals and expectations of your superiors, ensuring a harmonious working relationship.

Strategic Reflection: Adding Value to CEO-Relations

In essence, mastering the art of managing up to the CEO transforms you into a proactive problem-solver. By providing solutions and recommendations, you position yourself as a valuable asset to the CEO and the entire leadership team.

Free Resource: If you want to figure out in 90 days or less if your new Sales Leader has what it takes to last at your company, download my free guide here.


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