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Hiring an "Experienced" Sales Leader

Aug 09, 2022

And this one time...on the sales floor...

I hired an "experienced" sales manager.

What a mistake that was. 🙇

We were scaling my inside sales team and needed to hire a bunch of new sales managers.

And I was referred to a guy who was literally at a direct competitor.

Nearly the exact same product. Same sales cycle. Same inside sales motion. Same deal size. Why wouldn't that be a fit?

My word, what a mistake that was. This guy was a train-wreck.

👎 He was a micromanager

👎 Managed through fear and intimidation

👎 Wouldn't listen to me or any of his supervisors

👎 Made excuses for why he behaved the way he behaved I fired him in less than 90 days.

💡 Learning lesson: Just because the sales manager came from a direct competitor don't assume that they will be a good fit for YOUR TEAM and YOUR CULTURE.

Include the cultural questions in your sales manager hiring benchmark such as...

"Tell me about the last time you had an underperforming rep, what did you do about it?"

What other cultural questions do you ask of your sales managers to determine if they're a fit for YOUR startup?

Drop it in the comments

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