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Been Caught Stealing...

inside sales leadership sales startups Aug 30, 2022

And this one time...on the sales floor....

We thought we found a new, top salesperson

Then we found he was cheating. 😱 

We were growing fast and this new rep was booking lots of HUGE deals.

The CEO and I even pulled him into the office to learn more about how he was crushing it and show him some personal recognition.

The answers were really vague. My gut was telling me that something was wrong.

So I called some of his new customers personally to thank them for their business and get feedback about their buying experience with this sales rep.

❌ And that's when I found out that he was faking sales and defrauding the company.

Thankfully my company agreed to let him go on the spot once I had more than 3 data points.

💡 Learning Lesson: Trust but verify. Once again, if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. Put your investigation hat on and get to the bottom of it. Make sure your new top producer isn't cutting corners or cheating before putting them up on a pedestal.

Have you ever caught a rep cheating? How did you find out? What did you do about it?

Drop it in the comments

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