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8 things you said that tell me you're not a fit for leadership at an early stage startup

inside sales leadership sales startups Aug 09, 2022

 ðŸ‘Ž "That's not my job"

👎 "What are the work hours?"

👎 "That's not my fault"

👎 "Who writes the decks around here?"

👎 "If I don't get paid a bonus, I'm not doing that"

👎 "That was my idea"

👎 "I'm not that good at excel or running reports"

👎 "Who can do my expense report for me?"

Being a leader at a startup is not easy and isn't for everybody.

You have to be open to wearing multiple hats and

work your ass off with very little resources

and take responsibility when things go wrong and

give credit to others on the team when things go well.

But it IS very rewarding to be directly contributing to the trajectory of a company rather than being a cog in the wheel at a big company.

What are other indicators that somebody isn't a good fit for leadership at a startup?

Drop it in the comments

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