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The 3 Key Characteristics of Highly Effective Salespeople

hiring management Apr 25, 2023

Sales is a challenging profession that requires a unique set of skills and personality traits to excel. While there is no magic formula for success in sales, research has identified three critical characteristics that differentiate high-performing salespeople from their peers. In this blog post, we will explore these characteristics and their importance in sales leadership.

  1. Need for Achievement

The first and perhaps most important characteristic is the need for achievement. Successful salespeople are driven by an internal desire to do well and are constantly focused on setting the bar higher. They pursue excellence for the sake of excellence and take pride in their accomplishments. This drive for achievement fuels their motivation and work ethic, and they are never satisfied with mediocre results.

  1. Competitiveness

The second trait that sets high-performing salespeople apart is their competitiveness. They are always striving to be the best in their team and continuously compare their performance to their peers. But more than just wanting to be the best, they have a deep desire to win over clients and customers. They view the sales process as a contest of wills, and their goal is to emerge victorious by convincing their prospect to see things their way.

  1. Optimism

The third and final characteristic of effective salespeople is optimism. Successful salespeople are certain that they will succeed and maintain a positive outlook even in the face of rejection. They are resilient and persistent, knowing that each "no" brings them one step closer to a "yes." This positivity allows them to stay focused and motivated, even during challenging times.

As a sales leader, it's essential to look for these characteristics when hiring salespeople. While technical skills and experience are essential, these three traits are critical for success in sales. You can train someone in the necessary skills, but it's much harder to teach them to have a drive for achievement, competitiveness, and optimism.

In conclusion, these three characteristics - need for achievement, competitiveness, and optimism - are the foundation of successful salespeople. While not everyone possesses these traits, they can be developed over time. By hiring salespeople who embody these characteristics and fostering them within your team, you can create a culture of success and drive your business forward.

PS:  Full credit is to be given to Dr. Chris Croner, author of Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again who wrote about these traits in detail and from whom I learned about these critical characteristics.

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